Hudson Reporter Archive

Stop with the bully tactics

To the Editor:

I have been reading the newspapers and getting phone calls and having people knock on my doors for the last two and a half weeks regarding the May 13 election.
This town has so many problems and so many issues to run a campaign on there should be no reason to be getting threatening phone calls, stared down by people driving past my home because I choose not to have a Smith sign. I have been asked, “Why does everyone have to know who you are supporting? Aren’t you afraid?” Afraid! That is the problem in this town, people are afraid because of their jobs, or if they have a business here in Bayonne. This town should not be called Bayonne. It should be called “Fear Town.” I watched a young man driving in an ugly green car who passed my home and looked at my sign. What is that supposed to mean? I think it is very sad that it has come down to tearing down signs. If you are good at what you do, signs should not intimidate you. I am proud that I have a Davis and his team sign on my house.
When are the people of this town going to wake up already? If you are truly unhappy with the direction this town is being taken, then do the right thing. This is the United States of America. We do not have a dictator, as our mayor would like people to believe he is. Our veterans have gone to war for our freedom and our right for freedom of speech, and the right to vote. It is a damned shame that in this day and age we have people that are trying to take that freedom away from us. The bully tactics need to stop. Leave people to make their own decisions. Jobs should not be on line if someone doesn’t like what is going on. Tuesday, May 13 I am voting for James Davis and his team.


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