Hudson Reporter Archive

Who’s minding the store?

Dear Editor:
As chairman of the Republican Governors Association .Governor Christie has recently traveled to Texas, Florida and Illinois to raise money for G.O.P. candidates. Sadly not a single candidate has had there picture taken with him They all seem to run from him as if he were radioactive. Now some of those Governors are saying Christie should step down from that position. Even one of his biggest supporters Joe Scarborough host of MS NBC’s “Morning Joe’ has joined the chorus.” He needs to sit down and do some serious soul-searching to see whether he wants to defend these charges against him or continue this” he said.” I don’ t think he can do both.”
I agree! He has a job to do in Trenton that he is clearly neglecting.
With Bridgegate and now this scandal in Hoboken , few have taken notice that New Jersey is facing a fiscal crisis. According to researchers at George Mason University our credit rating is dropping, our structural deficit rating is now the worst in the nation , and now the chairman of the state Senate Budget Committee is warning of giant revenue shortfalls. I ask how focused can Governor Christie be in resolving these important issues, when he flying around the country raising money for the G.O.P. and hobnobbing with the likes of the Koch brothers? Keep in mind that most of Christie staff is ensnared in this Bridgegate scandal. { 20 have received subpoena’s ] So who then is minding the store?
Clearly this position at the RGA is a distraction for the Governor. He needs to give up that position and focus on the job he was elected to do.

Tom Roarty

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