Hudson Reporter Archive

Am I missing something?

To the Editor:

The teachers do not have a contract (2010-2014). It is interesting that politicos never seem to miss the opportunity to mention that the police and the fire unions had settled. The inference appears that the teachers are unavailable/unwilling to negotiate, are selfishly seeking tax money from the community, are the “bad guys” in the whole scenario.
Do teachers consider themselves so special and more deserving compared to police and fire personnel? No. This is the unequivocal answer. We are all civil servants, and so the goal is to work in collaboration for the common good of society.
Still, there is an ever-increasing demand in the career world to require a placement test involving reading, writing, and math. Education is primary; the role of the teacher is of utmost importance. I can’t believe anyone with any intelligence would deny this truism. The Board of Education (Aka BOE) acknowledges student achievement and the dedication of the faculty in the newspaper articles. Therefore it appears something is missing. How can students be first, teachers last?
Or did I miss something?

Guidance Counselor

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