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What does the ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ cast think of the other big Hoboken-based drama: Christie, Zimmer, and Sandygate?

HOBOKEN — The recent potential scandal involving Gov. Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy, and Hoboken has just as much drama as that other popular New Jersey conversation piece, “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” Heck, it’s even got its own Kim G.!
One New Jersey family, the Manzo family, features prominently in the reality TV show on Bravo, and also lives in Hoboken. Albert and Caroline Manzo have an apartment in Hoboken that they use as a getaway (but not a getaway from drama, right?) and sons Albie Manzo and Chris Manzo live here in an apartment on the waterfront.
So the Hoboken Reporter took a quick break from its more newsy reporting to send Tweets to the Manzo crew to see how the feel about the Christie matter.
Caroline weighed in — not at all. She hasn’t responded to our Tweet nor sent a Tweet about the Jersey scandal.
Albie and Chris also failed to respond.
On Jan. 23, we Tweeted to Caroline, “Hey, do you have any comments or thoughts on all the news out of Hoboken?”
Mum stayed mum on that.
However, Chris has made subtle digs at the gov. On Jan. 15, Christopher Manzo said that the Christie scandal song performed by Bruce Springsteen on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon was the “Best NJ themed song since…well its just the best one I guess.”
On Jan. 17, he tweeted at his former roommate, Gregg Bennett, “Team Duck Dynasty,” an obvious humorous poke at Bennett, who is gay. Bennett wrote back to Chris, “Team Chris Christie.” Oh, touche!
The fact that they declined to comment on the widening scandal may not be a surprise. The family patriarch, Albert Manzo, may not want to remind everyone of his own beef with Christie three years ago. Christie suspended Manzo from his post at the North Jersey District Water Supply Commission in 2011, saying Manzo gave his official address as the Brownstone restaurant in Paterson, which Manzo owns. Christie said he doubted that Manzo lives there.
At the same time, Christie also suspended former Hoboken Councilman Michael Cricco from a post on the commission, charging some improprieties. Cricco, unlike the Manzos, did have something to say recently, posting supportive words on the Facebook page of Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer after Zimmer alleged publicly that Christie’s administration tried to bully her into pushing through a development in the northern end of town.
Wouldn’t it be great to have Kim G., the other Kim G., the Manzos, and Christie on Bravo with Andy Cohen?
All we can say is…to watch what happens, come back to starting at midnight on Super Bowl Sunday to read an exclusive story related to new aspects of the Hoboken matter.

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