Hudson Reporter Archive

NJCTS celebrates 10th anniversary

Dear Editor:
The New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS), the nation’s first Center of Excellence dedicated toward helping individuals and families affected by the often devastating neurological disorder, is proud to announce that it is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2014. Since 2004, NJCTS has led the nation in providing a plethora of programs and services to New Jersey families, outreach to the education and medical communities, and support for collaborative research into better treatments and a cure for Tourette Syndrome, which is characterized by involuntary sounds and movements known as tics and affects 1 in 100 children and adults.
Through its myriad collaborations and partnerships, NJCTS has developed efficient one-of-a kind programs on behalf of the TS community regionally and worldwide. It has established the world’s first Cell & DNA Sharing Repository at Rutgers University, worked with New Jersey Congressmen to help draft and introduce the first federal legislation for Tourette Syndrome, founded the TS Clinic and doctoral training program at Rutgers, and pioneered the Patient-Centered Medical Education program for resident physicians at hospitals in New Jersey and beyond. Students, educators and parents have benefited from the School In-Service Program. Families have found camaraderie and fostered awareness at the annual Family Retreat Weekend at YMCA Camp Bernie and at NJ Walks for TS programs at Mendham, Ramapo College and Princeton. And tens of thousands of people from all over the world have participated in the NJCTS Wednesday Webinar initiative. Throughout 2014, NJCTS will be celebrating these achievements with multiple noteworthy events, including the NJ Walks for TS at Princeton on April 6, the 10th Anniversary Gala Celebration at Rutgers on May 22, the 10th annual Family Retreat Weekend at YMCA Camp Bernie from June 6-8, and the 5th annual NJ Walks for TS at Mendham in November.

Jeff Weber

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