Hudson Reporter Archive

Voting is best defense against local corruption

Dear Editor:
Oct 2, 2013 it was reported that West New York Mayor Felix Roque was acquitted of federal hacking charges. Many people were glad to see the mayor acquitted, and on the other hand many people were hoping he would be ruined. I think it is pitiful and shameful when public figures in general get caught up in civil lawsuits, federal lawsuits, or any type of corruption. Here is why; that public official is no longer blameless regardless of the outcome of criminal charges or lawsuits.
I hear people often say “I don’t vote because they are all crooks.” This reader agrees to a certain extent. However; voting is not a waste of time. It is a God given privilege, and someone died on Omaha Beach so that we could freely vote in this country. When it is all said and done, most politicians only have one major concern. It is to be elected and then re-elected.

Jose A. Chinea
North Bergen

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