Hudson Reporter Archive

Assemblyman Prieto endorses Mayor Gonnelli for re-election

Dear Editor:
I am writing to endorse Mayor Mike Gonnelli for re-election on November 5. As your representative in the State Assembly I am always working to improve the quality of life for residents in Secaucus and throughout our state and Mayor Gonnelli is an excellent partner on the local level. We share the same values and the same belief that government must have a role to play in helping people in need. He deserves all of our support this Tuesday.
Mayor Gonnelli took office during a very difficult time in our town’s history and his steadfast leadership has restored the residents’ pride in Secaucus. He has worked closely with me on the Meadowlands Tax Sharing issue, helping to rally other mayors in towns affected by the arrangement and testifying on how it unfairly hurt Secaucus taxpayers. By working together we were able to include $2.3 million in the state budget to provide tax relief to residents of Secaucus and the other “sending” towns and we are working now for a permanent solution.
Secaucus is a special place and Mike and I both share a love of our town and a desire to make it even better. He and his team are working to provide new community events, continue our excellent town services, effectively manage the budget and protect taxpayers. Everyone in Secaucus can be proud of Mayor Mike Gonnelli’s record and I urge you to come out on November 5 and join me in giving him your support.

Vincent Prieto
Assemblyman, 32nd District

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