Hudson Reporter Archive

Observing Veterans’ Day

To the Editor:

As we observe Veteran’s Day this November we must pay homage and respect to the veterans of all of our American Armed Forces who served and continue to serve to protect our country and keep our liberties safe and sacred. There are those who gave and continue to give the supreme sacrifice of their lives in order that we and our children are able to continue to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Locally we wish to sincerely thank our veterans from Bayonne and throughout Hudson County who are in active military service in all parts of the world. When we see a serviceman or servicewoman in our streets in uniform we should address that person with the utmost respect and state to them in a voice filled with gratitude, “thank you for your service.” We recognize the sacrifices made by these fine and brave people, stationed in all parts of the world and away from their families and loved ones to protect our liberties.
I join with all people to stand up proudly, shoulder to shoulder with our heads up high and be thankful each day that we live in this fine country. God Bless the veterans past and present and most certainly God Bless America.


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