Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote Carol Lester for an outstanding public education

Dear Editor:
My name is Carol Lester and I am running as an incumbent candidate for the November 5th Jersey City Board of Education (JCBOE) election because I want all of our Jersey City children to receive an outstanding public education. I am proud of the work I have done on the JCBOE since May 2010, but there is still more to do in turning this giant ship around. During my tenure, I chaired the Superintendent National Search Committee and Personnel Committee, which brought us 1) new leadership, 2) a complete central office realignment, 3) savings of $3 million, and 4) expanded school based decision making in staffing, budgeting and drop out prevention.
Since Summer 2012, I have chaired the Science, Technology and Green Initiatives Committee which spearheaded: 1) WIFI in every school, 2) a $3.5 million science lab at Dickinson, 3) a district-wide energy audit, 4) increased solar panels, 5) free (PSE&G) high energy lighting for many schools, 6) “A Garden in Every School” with Nat’l Gardening Association, and 7) more partnerships between students, teachers and community gardening and preservation. On our to “do list” is an end to styrene usage and improved recycling and composting. Our students should have “real world” project-based learning science labs when our curriculum includes these green initiatives. I am running with three highly qualified candidates who will continue the vital work the Board has been doing: Ellen Simon (1-P), Micheline Amy (3-I) and Jessica Daye (1-I).
 Please vote for them and for me, Carol Lester (J-6), for Jersey City Board of Education on November 5th. 
Sincerely, Carol Lester Jersey City Board of Education Trustee & past Vice President (Opinions expressed here are Ms. Lester’s alone, and are not meant to represent the views of the Jersey City Board of Education or any other of it’s members.)

Carol Lester

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