Hudson Reporter Archive

Let put an end to this Hatfield and McCoy atmosphere in City Hall

Dear Editor:
I’m asking all Hoboken voters to join me and support Tim Occhipinti (1J), Frank Raia (5K), Peter Biancamano (6K) and Britney Montgomery-Cook (7K), the One Hoboken ticket for mayor and council on November 5. As a former 4th Ward Council candidate and a lifelong Hoboken resident, I believe the One Hoboken slate will put an end to this Hatfield and McCoy atmosphere in City Hall.
Our current 4th Ward Councilman and Mayoral Candidate Tim Occhipinti has hit the ground running in his first three years as a Councilman and has shown he truly cares about all residents. Tim is a champion on quality of life issues and is an advocate for the taxpayers of Hoboken.
Frank Raia is a fourth generation Hobokenite, a successful businessman and philanthropist, who has cogent insight into what it takes to bring all of Hoboken together. Frank knows how to get things done and has a proven track record.
Peter Biancamano is dynamic and energetic member of our Board of Education and is always looking for ways to save the taxpayers money by cutting redundancies out of the school board budget. Peter will bring the same tenacity to the city council.
Britney Montgomery-Cook is an educator and newcomer who is willing to roll up her sleeves to unite One Hoboken. Britney is a fitness enthusiast who will make sure Hoboken has a world class park and recreation facilities for all Hoboken residents.
Please vote Tim Occhipinti (1J), Frank Raia (5K), Peter Biancamano (6K) and Britney Montgomery-Cook (7K), on November 5.

Freddie B. Frazier Jr.

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