Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote Vision for Hoboken Team on November 5

Dear Editor:
This election season we have the opportunity to elect a mayor, a leader, and a friend who has been a true advocate for the senior citizens in our community. This person is Ruben Ramos, Jr. and his efforts to protect our seniors from fraud and abuse have contributed to the safety of myself and all seniors for years to come. Over his time as an elected official, Ruben has always been a champion for seniors. The state of New Jersey has been fortunate to see several new laws enacted during his tenure in the State Assembly that will protect vulnerable seniors from fraud and abuse. Ruben has also assisted seniors with making sure they understand their health care bills so we are not taken advantage of. He has worked with state agencies to help provide seniors and disabled residents with a home care worker if needed. These are just a few of the many issues he has stood by our side with.
Furthermore, all the other candidates in the race have been mute over the last several years on issues related to senior services while Ruben Ramos, Jr. has been tirelessly advocating, holding community meetings, and working as our legislator in Trenton to protect us. I am happy to know that we have Ruben Ramos, Jr. advocating for our seniors in Hoboken. A vote to elect Ruben Ramos, Jr. and the entire Vision For Hoboken team will show that you support someone who supports seniors. I ask all my neighbors and friends to Vote the Vision for Hoboken slate on November 5th. Vote (3J) Ruben Ramos, Jr. for mayor Vote (1K) Laura Miani (2K) Eduardo Gonzalez and (3K) Joe Mindak for city council.

Your neighbor,
Eileen McInerney Democratic Committeewoman Ward 5 District 6

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