To the Editor:
With the close of the 2012-2013 school year, your newspaper published two articles. One was sad/wonderful. The other was curious/disappointing. Let me be more specific.
One dealt with the sad closing of Holy Family Academy. As an educator, I met some 40 years students, who were well structured academically and morally; teachers, who were well qualified and sensitive to their students’ needs; and sisters, who always exhibited benevolent kindness and patience to one and all. HFA will always exist as a wonderful memory.
As an aside, it was certainly very nice that the graduates voiced appreciation to the teachers in playing an important role in their lives. This confirmed all the sacrifices made by the parents. I can only say, “God bless you all.”
The other story was titled “Congratulation Graduates.” It was lengthy with hundreds of words but missing was the word, “teacher.” How curious and disappointing this was to any faculty member. As the saying goes, “How can students be first if teachers are last?“
Or did I miss something?
Guidance Counselor