Hudson Reporter Archive

Gonnelli joins Christie in emergency services coalition

SECAUCUS – Mayor Michael Gonnelli said he and some volunteer services representatives from Hoboken met with Gov. Christopher Christie on Tuesday to talk about the role volunteer services like the Secaucus Volunteer Fire Department play in helping cope with a large emergency.
“The governor asked me to be part of the team,” Gonnelli said, noting that Christie had played a huge role in helping Secaucus during Hurricane Sandy. “He was always on the phone with us, sometimes twice a day asking how he could help us.”
Led by statewide Volunteer EMS co-chairs Frank Smith of nearby Moonachie Rescue Squad, Howard Meyer, president of the New Jersey First Aid Council, and Gonnelli as fire chair, the team highlights the role volunteers play and will promote those efforts in the future in confronting large disasters.
Christie said it was an honor to have the support of volunteer emergency people. Gonnelli has already endorsed Christie‘s reelection for governor.
Christie has won support from volunteers for vetoing legislation that would have made volunteer efforts more difficult and expensive, and he vowed to support them in the future.
“The governor put together this coalition and asked me to take a lead role,” Gonnelli said. “I wasn’t there alone. There were volunteers from Hoboken and Moonachie as well. I think it is a good concept.”

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