Hudson Reporter Archive

Many questions

Dear Editor:
I attended the Aug. 22, 2013 meeting. However, before I could address agenda item, R1.6, a resolution to the approval to appoint a new Attendance/Truancy Officer at $25.00 per hour not to exceed $40,000 for the 2013-2014 school year, I was called away on a crisis. That crisis being that the Bocce team I play on was a man short.
Over the fifteen years I served on the Board, I would take exception when a resident, take for instance Patricia Beleski, would spring a loaded question regarding a last minute item placed on that nights agenda. How she would know this, when only Board trustees would have had knowledge that the resolution was to be on the agenda the last minute that night, never startled me because most of the times I knew the source of her information, and would expose her and them at the proper time.
Now, the reason for this letter. As stated above, I never liked being blindsided when I sat as a trustee so here are some of the questions I had planned to raise that night in August and will do so at the Sept. Board meeting.
How did this vacancy come about? Would like a job description of the duties of this new Attendance/Truancy Officer. How did the Board arrive at the $25.00 per hour rate for this position? Will the Board reply? I have given them time to do so.

Tom Troyer
(The originator of the first Attendance/Truancy Policy. Check the record.)

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