Hudson Reporter Archive

UPDATED: Political consultant says that Zimmer leads over Ramos in Hoboken mayor’s race, 44 to 29 percent

HOBOKEN — Poll results issued from a local political consultant show Mayor Dawn Zimmer receiving a possible 44 percent of likely voters as opposed to 29 percent for Ramos.
The poll was conducted by Vision Media, a political consulting firm with experience in Hoboken elections. The firm said they conducted the poll independently of any political candidates.
While Zimmer’s lead is still substantial, the poll shows a significant shift from other polls taken earlier in the summer that showed Zimmer with as much as 60 percent, claims the firm.
“Mayor Zimmer is in good position to win re-election but she has not quite closed the sale yet,” said Paul Swibinski, Vision Media president. “Her lead is based on the fact that she is better known than Assemblyman
Ramos but this is definitely a competitive race.”
Swibinski says that the poll shows that Hoboken is finally moving beyond the “old vs. new” resident dynamic that has long been a part of the local political scene.
“Zimmer and Ramos each have support from both longtime and newer residents. This election will be a referendum on the incumbent mayor and her record,” Swibinski says. “Voters will either choose to rehire their mayor or choose a new leader.”
The poll was released just prior to an expected third ticket that would likely split the Ramos vote and give Zimmer and increased edge in the November election. Several key political observers believe the poll’s release was designed to discourage a third ticket.
Swibinski believes that Zimmer will win easily if a third candidate enters the race because the city no longer has runoff elections.
“In a three way race, an incumbent with 44 percent is almost impossible to defeat. But a head to head battle with Assemblyman Ramos could turn into a
real horse race.”
Rumors had it this week that developer and former Board of Education Frank “Pupie” Raia might enter his own slate of candidates next week. – By Al Sullivan

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