Hudson Reporter Archive

Safe Streets Act of 2013

Dear Editor:
Pedestrian fatalities in New Jersey have skyrocketed in recent years. The pedestrian share of traffic-related deaths in New Jersey now accounts for 30 percent of the total, more than twice the national average.
In response to growing concerns, Safe Streets policies are being adopted nationwide. The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets policy is one of the strongest in the nation and, since it was enacted three years ago, 67 counties and municipalities across the state have followed suit. Safe Streets have also garnered attention and bipartisan support in Washington, with Congressman LoBiondo becoming the most recent member to show his support of safer travel options.
AARP would like to thank Congressman LoBiondo for co-sponsoring the Safe Streets Act of 2013. Congressman Frank LoBiondo has been a leader on a whole range of transportation issues over the years, and this is no exception. Congressman LoBiondo has extended his leadership to policies that would transition dangerous roads to Safe Streets that are travel friendly for all pedestrians. Please join me in thanking Congressman LoBiondo for co-sponsoring the Safe Streets Act of 2013, a bill that ensures transportation projects consider pedestrian safety.

Marion Ingram

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