Hudson Reporter Archive

Destruction of trees

Dear Editor:
Recently I along with many other residents of Union City was devastated to learn of the destruction of dozens of trees some of them over 100 years old from Washington Park along the southern border of our community with Jersey City Heights.
Obviously with the continued nationwide epidemic of childhood obesity there certainly is a legitimate need of athletic fields however we also need to do our best and provide open green spaces especially for families with small children.
What these Einsteins at city hall in Union City failed to grasp is that when you eliminate a significant number of trees in the same general area you decimate the squirrel population which then leads to an increase in the local rat population.
This is exactly what happened what happened in the early 1980’s when the monastery grounds in our community were developed and many of us property owners nearby had to call in exterminators at our expense to deal with the influx of mice and other vermin in our backyards.
Perhaps it’s time for our rather detached mayor to call up Mayor Fulop and council member Yun of Jersey City and arrange to bring down the Berlin type fences that currently surround these athletic fields.

Tom Regan

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