Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you

To the Editor:

On July 13, The Mount Carmel Guild and the Rosary Society of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church sponsored their fundraiser, “Celebrate a Taste of Americana.” The event honored Our Lady of Mount Carmel whose feast day is celebrated on July 16. The event was a huge success. We would like to thank our committee: Mary Ann, Helen, Evelyn, Marie, Mary, Rita, Pat, Stella, Ann, Lillian, Terri, Barbara, and Rosie who were always there with helping hands. Thank you to the Judowski family for their hard work staffing the kitchen. Thank you to all the members of the organizations who sent in their donations. Thank you to all the Bayonne merchants who were so generous with their donations. We encourage all our members and their families to continue to support our local merchants. Thanks to Msgr. Ron, Father Robert, and Father Michael for sharing this blessed night with us. Thank you to all who supported us by attending this event. We hope you all had an enjoyable evening.



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