Hudson Reporter Archive

Holy smoke, sakes alive: Bayonne needs a good Elvis!

To the Editor:

This is a challenge to the youth of Bayonne. Bayonne recently lost a wonderful Elvis impersonator. This performer embraced the people while bringing structure, character, and talent. This man was a very hard worker and dedicated. Please let me speak for we the people, his fans.
We the people would like to come out and see a nice Elvis performer.
We the people, Elvis fans, would like to come out to the car shows, wherever, and see a tall, handsome man with white boots, enough hair gel, etc.
We the people of Bayonne (Let me speak for myself) want to thank Mayor Mark Smith for allowing us to have such entertainment in the past—British Invasion, Oldies, The Smithereens.
We get to dance in the park/street, enjoy ourselves, and get entertained for free.
Finally, I personally believe that talent can be learned by anyone. If a young person wants to perform and is serious about Elvis, Queen Latifah, Dolly Parton, or Raul Malo and the Mavericks. study, then go and get out on the stage, but try to stay here with your talents.
Note: Citizens we will be waiting for genuine talent such as Mr. E. O’Rourke’s. He did not know me personally, but I was a big fan of his. My condolences to his family.


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