Hudson Reporter Archive

Wishing you all the best

Dear Editor:
Inauguration Day for Mayor Fulop and the Jersey City Council was held on July 1st, 2013. I wish you all the best and success in governing our great city. To Mayor Healy and Council, as you leave office, I wish you well in your new endeavors & thank you for your service to the residents of our City. I especially would like to thank Ward D Councilman Bill Gaughan who retires after a 20 year career of dedicated service to residents of the Heights.
Congratulations to Michael Yun, our new Ward D Councilman. I look forward to partnering with you as we have in the past. The work you’ve done for many years supporting neighborhood organizations and their issues will lay a firm foundation for moving us forward in the next four years. You are certainly starting off on the right foot by hiring Willow Latham as your aide! I met Willow through her Dad, Steven, in 2003 when he formed the Jersey City Reservoir Preservation Alliance. Even at that young age, Willow was an integral part of our team. She exhibited a real passion for the environment and true dedication to the cause of preserving and enhancing open space for residents. As a teenager attending High Tech High School, she took the initiative and helped to form the student volunteer group Sustaining Architectural Vitality in the Environment (S.A.V.E) and was instrumental in coordinating student volunteers for Reservoir Alliance events and the Landmarks Conservancy Annual Preservation Awards Ceremonies. During the last several years I have seen Willow develop into a mature and conscientious young woman. As a 2013 graduate of Harvard University majoring in Environmental Science and Public Policy, she will be a wonderful asset to the constituents of Ward D.
What a wonderful statement for Jersey City and especially the Heights, that the very best & brightest we have has chosen to start her career path right here at home! Congratulations Willow, I’m feeling very fortunate today!!

Laura Skolar,
Jersey City

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