Hudson Reporter Archive

Seussical was a huge success because of the efforts of so many

Dear Editor:
I am writing on behalf of the entire Hoboken High School Theater Department to thank everyone in the community who supported our recent production of Seussical. It was a wonderful show that included over 130 Hoboken public school students in grades K -12th.
The last week of rehearsals, known as “tech week”, is the last big push before a show opens and the rehearsals usually run later into the evening. This presents a unique situation – 140 people have to eat dinner! So I want to thank all the parents and community members who donated dinner to our theater company. Thank you so much to Mario’s Pizza, Trattoria Saporito’s, Leo’s Grandevous, Irene Sobolov, Theresa Minutillo, David Rivera, Ouida Foster, Barbara Melfi, Bonnie Alvelo, Susan D’Antonio, Theresa & Lisa Jacobelli, Heather Rogers, Sue Haber, Robert Brockmann, Alex Mestre, Erin Stehli, Jane Laitman, and Melissa & Mark McNamara.
Also, huge thank you to the many family members and Hoboken High School students who gave their time and talent each and every day during the 8 week rehearsal period. Seussical was a huge success because of the efforts of so many who assisted with daily attendance, helped with homework, organized costumes, applied make-up, sold tickets & concessions, and generally offered an extra pairs of hands.
And lastly, I’d like to thank the Hoboken Community for coming out and letting us entertain you!
Seussical was an amazing experience for all of us and I am glad so many could participate. I know I am not alone in my excitement of looking forward to next year!

Danielle Miller
Hoboken District Theater Teacher & Director

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