Hudson Reporter Archive

Healy has it all together

Dear Editor:
There is a song, “Let’s Get It All Together” and we in Jersey City will get it all together on May 14th when we re-elect Mayor Jerramiah Healy.
We have a mayor that has accomplished so much for us and we need to give him “four more years” to continue to work for us.
I feel so strongly about the problems in our country today in regards to the prevalence of illegal guns and the lack of laws nationally to protect our people. Mayor Healy has come up to the plate, not just recently but over the years and he joined with the mayors of New York, Boston and many other American cities to urge our legislation in the country to enact sensible gun control laws. Mayor Healy has sponsored gun buy back programs in our city, not just since the shootings in schools but for a number of years.
Yes, we have the “get it together” mayor and we need to re-elect Healy in May.

Yours truly,
Miss Karen Black

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