Dear Editor:
I am enthusiastically endorsing Esther Wintner for the Ward B Council seat.
I have watched Esther’s hard work over the years and admire her commitment and her ability to get things done, not only for Ward B, but for the city as a whole.
When the city asked for help to obtain the Department of Justice C.O.P.S. grant to pay for the city to hire additional police officers, Esther organized and orchestrated letter writing and call-in campaign that forced our federal representatives to put pressure on the DOJ until we finally received the grant. Even Mayor Healy acknowledged her help.
When neighbors complained about the filth and dirt on West Side Avenue, Esther got the city to clean and power washes the sidewalks. She fought for years to get the city to audit a large waterfront abatement, and when they finally did, we found that the city was owed additional money.
Esther is also well known for her work with the homeless and trying to insure they have access to the programs our tax dollars are already paying for. These are just a few of this 2012 Woman of Action Award recipient’s accomplishments. Esther has an excellent grasp of the issues facing the Ward, a plan how to address them and the character, passion and commitment to move her plans into reality. I am excited about her vision for the West Side of Jersey City and urge everyone to vote for Esther Wintner on Tuesday, May 14 and make the West Side and Jersey City a better place for all.
Amanda Khan
Former BOE Candidate