Hudson Reporter Archive

BREAKING: HIT LIST? State report alleges West New York Mayor Roque had a ‘hit list’; says he ‘interjected’ himself into school hiring

WEST NEW YORK AND BEYOND — West New York Mayor Felix Roque, already under indictment for alleged involvement in hacking into a political rival’s website, is in trouble on a different front.
A report from the state Department of Education released today alleges that he injected himself into hiring in the school district, and that employees felt obligated to make campaign contributions. It also alleges that supporters and relatives of Roque were treated favorably in promotions and employment, while perceived enemies were punished.
When Roque, a doctor, won election over a year ago, he was seen as a reformer who would not repeat old-time Hudson County political practices.
Read the Department of Education report HERE and watch this space for a much more detailed update shortly.

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