Hudson Reporter Archive

Stack: I’m confident in appeals process for Garcia

HUDSON COUNTY — After a judge knocked one of State Sen. Brian Stack’s two assembly candidates off the ballot on Friday, Stack’s spokesman said Monday that former candidate Carmelo Garcia would appeal the ruling.
Stack is running for re-election to the state legislator in the 33rd District, including Hoboken, Union City, and several other towns. Running with him is Raj Mukherji, and for the other open Assembly seat, Hoboken Housing Authority Executive Director Carmelo Garcia.
Well, until Friday. In response to a lawsuit filed by five Hoboken residents, a judge said that since the HHA is federally funded, Garcia can’t run. He also ruled that Stack can’t replace him on the ballot.
Stack could launch a campaign for a write-in candidate, but it would be an uphill battle.
On Monday, Stack’s spokesman, Mark Albiez, said simply that Garcia will appeal and that they were “confident” in the appeals process.
Garcia planned to release a statement later.
The change benefits Hoboken Councilman Ravi Bhalla, who is also running for Assembly, but not on a slate. It is a rare loss for Stack, one of the biggest Democratic power brokers in the county.
Keep watching for updates.

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