Hudson Reporter Archive

Thanks and praise

To the Editor:
On March 2 at approximately 4 a.m., our mother, Mary Ann Hauser, who is diabetic, was found unresponsive in our home. It immediately prompted a call to 911. The response by Bayonne’s Emergency Service Departments was the finest any family could ask for. Our entire family would like to thank the Bayonne Police Department, Bayonne Fire Department, McCabe Ambulance Service EMTs, and paramedics for their heroic efforts in getting our mother to become alert and awake. We also would like to thank the remarkable staff of the Bayonne Medical Center. From the doctors and nurses who attended to her upon arrival in the Emergency Room to the nurses and staff of the Intensive Care Unit and the Telemetry floor, your compassion, kindness, and vast knowledge of her condition helped us answer so many questions and get through this time of need. Also, many, many thanks go out to Dr. Dominick Condo, Dr. Jack Smith, Dr. Elkin, Dr. Heffernan, and Dr. Ramasamy, the Hypertension Renal Group, and any and all caregivers who provided service to our mother. Because of you, she is on the road to recovery. Kudos to all.

Mary Ann and William, Sr., Ann, William, Jr. and Laura, Donna and Steve Koval, Kathleen and Dominick Feeley

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