Hudson Reporter Archive

Let’s not blow it.

Dear Editor:
Mayors sent off to jail, another that probably should have been, and a host of machine-breds that were effective enough for the city to function and little more. We’ve seen it all. For a while there, displays of drunken behavior normally seen in college freshmen and accounts of poor bar room behavior added to our legacy of inefficient and often embarrassing leadership.
The change that can finally bring to Jersey City the government practices and professional behavior we deserve will be realized with the election of Steve Fulop. Never before has there been such opportunity to achieve our potential for greatness as there is this May 14.
I recently asked a friend who intended to vote for Mr. Healy to name one negative thing he knows or has heard about Steve Fulop. His answer was that he is not from Jersey City. That was it. A very intelligent and informed person, yet he had nothing to add. Surprised to hear Fulop grew up in Edison and has lived here in Jersey City for thirteen years, his feelings began to change. After taking a few minutes to review the Fulop web site, he was sold. (
As mayor, Steve Fulop will take us out of the “business as usual” era into one of “business as it should be.” Honest and sincere, quick to respond to constituents regardless of how large or small the matter, concerned about all city residents in all wards, a former marine who served bravely when the nation called, a man with a true vision of how great this city can be – Steve Fulop will bring pride to Jersey City.
I have lived here my entire life (childhood in Greenville, now Downtown), and am enjoying retirement here after a career with the city’s public school system – twelve as a teacher at P.S No. 40, thirty as coordinator of the Joint Activities Program. If you went to the N.J. School of Conservation in Stokes State Forest or Camp Bernie, you will remember, along with all the great times, learning how to be part of making the world a better place. Here’s our chance to do just that.
And if you were once a Joint Activities kid, you might recall one of the “deep thoughts” given before meals: “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” If we all go out on May 14 and vote for the right man, Steve Fulop, along with his entire slate of candidates for city council, a light will shine on Jersey City like it never has before.
And this just in: There are no plans on the part of the Fulop team to privatize any positions in the school system.

Roy Beeler

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