Hudson Reporter Archive

Uniting West New York

Dear Editor:
The following is an open letter to the residents and businesses of West New York.
Dear: Residents and Businesses of West New York:
Throughout the past few months, we have encountered many issues plaguing our town that we love so deeply. West New York has, and always will, be known for its sense of community. I embarked on a mission to bring our government back to the people, and not the selfish few that enrich themselves atthe taxpayers’ expense. In my life, I have seen governments that truly work for the people, and governments that destroy the character and will of a town. Being born in Cuba and having immigrated to West New York as a young child, I was taught the values of always helping our fellow friends and neighbors. This strong value is why I am so passionately advocating the mayor/council form of government and an elected school board.
The power of change should always be in the hands of the people, and not politicians. From federal indictments to controversial sign ordinances, we have seen the true face of politics we all swore never to let plague this town ever again. In a mayor/council form of government, each community will be able to elect their own representative and bring a true voice from the people to local government. We need only to look at our neighboring towns, like Hoboken, Weehawken, and others, where mayor/council governments truly work for the people. Also, this form of government will allow checks and balances to be in place to prevent the abuses of power that we see on a daily basis today in WNY. In regards to an elected school board, who else than the parents and taxpayers of WNY, should decide what is in the best interest for the education of their children.
Our government was founded on these three key words, “We the People.” I firmly believe that WNY needs to unite together in this monumental and historical quest. Our grassroots organization, Residents for a Better West New York, has shown and will continue to show, that we are there for our community and local businesses. We ask that you encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to sign the petitions that bring hope and change back to West New York. In the past month, we have seen various groups come together to stand up and let their voices be heard. Let’s continue this unification effort that brings a real solution to the problem that faces us all.
West New York has a rich tradition and history that we all hold dear to our hearts. In closing, we must act now to ensure that we walk together, united as a community, into the great future that lies ahead for the Township of West New York. God Bless and let’s unite.

Frank Ferreiro
Residents for a Better West New York

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