Hudson Reporter Archive

Stop feeding the squirrels

To the Editor:

I am imploring people to stop feeding the squirrels at Stephen Gregg Park here in Bayonne. As a family, last summer we noticed the squirrels becoming more and more bold and brazen and no longer scurry away when they get to close for comfort. My four-year-old daughter Ali was sitting on the bench drinking her milk, no food in hand, when a squirrel pounced on her leg and tried to climb up it. Fortunately it slid down her leg only to clamp onto her foot.
While we were fortunate she was not harmed physically. Mentally, I can’t say the same. She is now terrified and does not want to go to that playground anymore. Someone else may not be as fortunate. If you see something of this nature happen, it is imperative that you call the animal control office or the health department.
I was shocked to find out that I was the first ever phone call made to our animal control officer complaining of these brazen squirrels. I would also like to take the time to thank our animal control officer Lisa, as well as our County Freeholder Doreen DiDomenico, for their concern regarding this issue. Like I said, the city or the county can’t do anything if they don’t know about it. I may not be an expert on squirrels but I am inclined to believe if you don’t feed them, they have to go somewhere else for food. Please, with the spring arriving and kids playing outdoors, keep these critters from our playgrounds.


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