Hudson Reporter Archive

BEOF thanks Bayonne students for successful food drive!

Dear Editor:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation (BEOF), myself and our clients, I would like to thank the generous Bayonne Students who sponsored the S.H.A.R.E. (Selflessly Helping All Recovery Efforts) project conducted from February 4 through the 22nd. Project S.H.A.R.E. was sponsored by the Bayonne Student Councils in an effort to help with the Hurricane Sandy Relief. Students from all Bayonne public schools brought in a packaged non-perishable food item to their schools. The donation was extremely generous and the hard work is greatly appreciated.
The overwhelming donation will help BEOF fight hunger and assist many families in the city of Bayonne. It is wonderful to see the outpouring of generosity towards the less fortunate, even in these hard times. Thanks to the generosity of the Bayonne Students, BEOF food pantry will remain well stocked and our community less hungry. In these challenging economic times, the need is great which is why their support is so monumental.
The kindness and generosity shown by the Bayonne students is deeply appreciated. We would be remiss if we did not express special appreciation to Dr. Patricia L. McGeehan, Mr. Robert C. Craig, Mr. Leo J. Smith Jr., and the Bayonne Principals for their superb leadership!

Ana Quintela
Executive Director

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