Hudson Reporter Archive

Relief Fund aid application deadline is Jan. 20

Dear Editor:
The Rebuild Hoboken Relief Fund was set up shortly after Superstorm Sandy as an independent charitable organization to receive donations to benefit Hoboken’s victims of the storm. To date, with the help of the Rotary Club, the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce and countless volunteers, the fund has received more than $700,000 in donations. But the storm was so devastating to so many neighbors and residents of the city, much more is needed.
If you are a victim, or if you would like to donate to the fund, please visit our web site: On the site are directions for applying for a grant and for making donations. In addition, this week we mailed the same information to all Hoboken addresses.
Applications will be accepted electronically on the website or by the hard copy received in the mail. The deadline for submission is currently Jan. 20. Please check the website for any updates to the filing date deadline.
Hoboken residents and property owners who suffered more than $5,000 of real property losses that are related to Superstorm Sandy and are not covered by any other reimbursement will be eligible. Please see the website for information regarding eligibility.
Finally, there is a fundraising Gala to Rebuild Hoboken being held in the evening on Feb. 2 at the W Hotel. It will be an opportunity to have an enjoyable evening and support the fund. Tickets are available on the web site.

Larry Henriques
Vice Chairman
Board of Trustees
Rebuild Hoboken Relief Fund

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