Hudson Reporter Archive

A political game

Dear Editor:
2013 has finally arrived tattooing it with the most desired event in the life of any politician, appointed political hack, the multiple job holders, the odds makers, the party goers, the free give away, the consultants, the fortune tellers and gurus.
This year from the very start has proven to be an interesting mayor/council election in the great city of Jersey City for all those who care. The past has proven that not many of us do? Voter apathy, and those few electorate that participate, usually cast their ballots maintaining the status quo, electing the same self serving individuals that are reaping the rewards from our hard earned tax dollars.
Remember the famous words by the most identified brilliant man of the Twentieth Century, Albert Einstein, who said: Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. These words truly reflect the perfect course of our behavior concerning all those we constantly elect and re-elect as our representatives.
It seem as though the more we regress as a civilized society regarding our own government the more we become oblivious and numb to its negative reactions towards our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let’s put it this way, in Jersey City, Hudson County, we were always branded as the land of the corrupt, with documented proven history. We don’t miss what we never had.
Vote row “A” all the way, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, it makes no difference, they’re all the same, but we do have the power to change this brain washing non-sense.
So far the political conglomerate of dividing factors, fractions and factions relating to the armies forming for this upcoming election has been strange even for Jersey City. There’s one member of the council saying enough is enough and not seeking re-election, but that could change? We are seeing one council member, getting thrown under the bus, making room for a more cynical, greedy, unscrupulous, self centered replacement. We are constantly hearing the traitorous name of Benedict Arnold. We heard bureaucrats praising Officials for all their achievements and accomplishments placing them on the highest pedestal, only to humiliate and criticize them the next day as the most useless incompetent, bungling, inept individual on the face of the earth.
Signs describing names and year of certain key names are being posted periodically throughout the city administering a thought of potential desire, recruitment or just displaying a simple head game to cause confusion, worry or fear to their rivals.
We mustn’t forget the fund raisers, “a shake down artists’ dream” and reason to live. If you’re a political hack there’s no getting around it, a percentage must be kick backed to the Political Boss and Organization. They must “Pay to Play”, be thankful to all those who giveth, because they can easily taketh away. They swear their loyalty and allegiance to them disregarding the people. As Tennessee Ernie Ford once sang in “Sixteen Tons”, “I owe my soul to the Company store”.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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