Hudson Reporter Archive


Dear Editor:
I have always believed that the best way in solving a problem is to find some humor when in the process of solving that problem. That being said, permit me to explain to your readers the reaction I received from a letter I wrote to the local papers that I thought might add a little humor to the busing issue now facing Mayor Gonnelli, and three members on the Secaucus Board of Education.
Being it was the week of Veteran’s Day I compare the busing issue between the mayor and board to the beginning of a “war.” To add some humor to this “war” I put words to the tune of an old World War One song, “Over There.” The response I received was what I expected. The people that read my letter and spoke to me, told me how much they enjoyed my letter, some even gave me suggestions as to what other appropriate war songs I should have used. Needless to say, the people got the point I was attempting to attempting to make. That there positively is a “war” brewing over this busing issue.
However, I did receive two negative reactions. One came from Mayor Gonnelli, and the other from Board of Education President, Jake McStowe. Mayor Gonnelli is on the record as saying, quote: “I did not want this war.” (Secaucus Home News, Nov. 29 issue, page 6) President Jack McStowe, at the Nov, 27th council meeting, took issue with my letter claiming that there is no “war” going on between the board and the mayor. Stating they, “the board was all in agreement with the mayor” (See tape of Nov. 27th, meeting)
Is there a “war” going on? The mayor states that there is a “war” going on. The president of the board says there is not. Time will tell. Bottom line. It is my personal opinion that the six board members that voted to go along with the busing resolution are most uncomfortable with the position Mayor Gonnelli has placed them in.

Tom Troyer
Former Board of Education trustee

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