Hudson Reporter Archive

Total chaos

Dear Editor:
The following was Susan Scherman’s letter to Mr. Imperatore, on Nov.5,
Dear Mr. Imperatore:
There has to be some organization with your NYC ferry terminal in this horrendous crisis. Last night, there were thousands of people trying to figure out which line to get on to either buy tickets or board a ferry. There was absolutely no direction to do anything. Your staff was shouting all types of directions, every few minutes, and changing their minds. No one knew what to do. This caused major confusion to all parties in the many confusing lines. You only had two ticket operators behind the desk to purchase tickets last night for thousands of people. This is an outrage. The cost of your tickets is rape for such lousy service in these times. Everyone else is offering free tickets except you. $9.00 for a one-way ticket is unconscionable when you have to wait 2 hrs. to purchase a ticket. This is out and out consumer gouging in an emergency situation. I hope you sleep well at night. Everyone on line was hungry, tired, dirty, disheveled and weak.
I hope today, tonight, and the rest of the week you show some degree of compassion for the public and offer better service and at least half price tickets, if you won’t give anyone a break. You certainly had many police present at your NYC Ferry Terminal last night, however, they couldn’t offer any direction either! They kept saying, “I don’t know” when asked a question. The lines were massive going in all types of directions. People kept jumping out of line not knowing where to go. What a nightmare! Then the police stood in front of your ticket machines and blocked us from buying tickets, even with cash, when they would not accept credit cards. What gives? What is your plan to help the public in this ongoing emergency situation? We would like to hear from you!

Susan Scherman, RN

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