Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you, Bergen Point Pharmacy

To the Editor:

I am writing this letter in regards to one of our small-town businesses. This one in particular is Bergen Point Pharmacy in downtown Bayonne.
My husband, Paul, and I were out a few weeks ago and met the owner of Bergen Point Pharmacy, who turned out to be a very caring person when it came to his business and the people of Bayonne.
I have belonged to the same chain pharmacy in Bayonne for over 15 years and after meeting him for the first time, he made us both feel as if we had known him forever. I then contacted Bergen Point Pharmacy on how to get our prescriptions transferred over to them. They took the time out of their busy schedules to answer all of our questions and help us both, and also got it done within the same day for us. They called our old pharmacy and our doctors. Not only is Bergen Point Pharmacy friendly, but they care very much about their clients.
There is one thing you need to understand about our insurance coverage for our prescriptions. We have to pay out of pocket and then mail the receipts out to our insurance company ourselves. We only get a percentage back of what we paid for our medications and sometimes we just don’t have the money to pay out of pocket, as things are tough for mostly everyone these days. I must say, Bergen Point Pharmacy saved us money on our medications. And to think, all these years I was putting our more money to the bigger pharmacies here in Bayonne. You would have thought that the smaller pharmacy would charge you more. Well they don’t! They take their time and help you as much as possible. I cannot thank everyone at Bergen Point Pharmacy enough for everything they have done for me and my family!
Bergen Point Pharmacy also offers free delivery so if you cannot make it down to the pharmacy due to the weather or other circumstances, they will deliver it to you.
I hope everyone who reads this will support Bergen Point Pharmacy, as they have the most caring owner and pharmacists I have ever met.
Thanks again, Bergen Point Pharmacy. My family and I will be with you for a very long time.


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