Hudson Reporter Archive

The only candidate who has been available

Dear Editor:
There’s an emerging pattern in this election that should not go overlooked: From all that has been published so far, apparently, I’m the only candidate who has bothered to take the time to talk to reporters or respond to questionnaires. The others either fail to respond, or have staff or a surrogate speak for them. And sometimes reporters even have to rely on a candidate’s website to get information. I’m the only candidate who responded to the questionnaire from the League of Women Voters of New Jersey: I’m the only candidate who took the Political Courage Test: I’m the only candidate who has responded to requests for information from Vote NJ: I’m the only candidate who agreed to speak with a reporter from Hudson Reporter: – instance=secondary_stories_left_column And aside from Herbert Shaw, I’m the only candidate who agreed to speak with a reporter from NJ Spotlight (the reporter says the other candidates did not respond to repeated phone calls and emails):
If the other candidates are so demonstrably not serious about this campaign, how can you expect them to be serious about representing you in the US Congress? Moreover, I’m the only candidate who has fought for his country in the military, by serving as a naval officer on an aircraft carrier out of Japan. I’m the only candidate who has actually worked to protect American jobs and industries, by serving as a lawyer for the Commerce Department. I’m the only candidate who has helped families facing foreclosure and eviction to stay in their homes, and to help small businesses get through financial difficulties. I’m the only candidate who has volunteered on election days to ensure nobody is denied the right to vote. I’m the only candidate who has gone before the Chief Justice New Jersey to preserve your constitutional right to equal representation following the 2010 decennial census. I’m the only candidate who has met with trade delegations from places like China and the UAE to boost international trade, exports, and foreign investment opportunities and create jobs here in New Jersey. I’m the only candidate who has met with Arab/Muslim leaders to discuss the attacks on our consulates and embassies. Don’t just go into the voting booth and mindlessly vote for columns A or B. If you want real leadership, vote for me on November 6th. I’m on line 4E in Hudson County and 3D in Essex County. Thanks, and I appreciate your support.

Stephen De Luca Independent Candidate for US Congress NJ CD-8

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