Hudson Reporter Archive


Question: In high school baseball and girls’ softball, is a coach required to wear a uniform during the game?

Answer: In BB, a coach not in uniform shall be restricted to the bench but may leave the dugout to attend an injured player (Rule 3, Sec. 2, Art. 1). In SB, when in live ball area, coach must be properly uniformed, wearing coaching shirt/jersey with coaching shorts/slacks or warm-up suits in school colors or in colors of khaki, white, or black. Penalty – coach is not permitted on field of play during game (Rule 3, Sec. 5, Art. 3).

Question: Runner on third base; no outs; batter lofts a fair fly ball to centerfield; with ball in flight, third base coach pushes runner back to third to properly tag up before the catch. Is runner automatically out? Is ball live or dead? Is coach ejected?

Answer: Live ball, runner is called out for coach assistance and if outfielder makes catch, that is also an out. Coach is not ejected (BB – Rule 3, Sec. 2, Art. 2; SB – Rule 3, Sec. 5, Art. 4 & Rule 8-6-5).

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