Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken Board of Education candidates to address questions and concerns at community forum

HOBOKEN — Hoboken voters will hear directly from the seven candidates running to fill three open seats on the Hoboken Board of Education when they participate in an open forum on Thursday, October 25, 2012 at Demarest School on Fourth Street between Bloomfield and Garden Street. The event starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. Written questions will be submitted by the audience. Index cards and pencils will be provided.
The forum will be moderated by Bob Bowdon, a former Bloomberg Television interviewer who currently runs Choice Media, a national education reform news service based in Hoboken.
The Hoboken Family Alliance and the Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition are co-sponsors.
The organizations invited Board of Education trustee incumbent Ruth McAllister and her running mates on the Kids First slate, Thomas Kluepful and Jean-Marie Mitchell.
The other group at the forum is Move Hoboken Forward which is represented by Elizabeth Markevitch, Anthony Oland and Felice Vazquez.
Patricia Waiters is an independent candidate.
Each candidate will present an opening and closing statement, and answers to questions will be timed. Questions may be submitted prior to the event via email/post questions to the Hoboken Family Alliance web site ( or to
Admission is free. All are welcome.
For a detailed story about the upcoming school board election, see the Reporter’s cover story from two weeks ago, linked below.

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