Hudson Reporter Archive

Just to set the record straight

Dear Editor:
I would like to correct writer Joseph Wares’ misinformation regarding Councilman Steven Fulop. On Monday nights the City Council of Jersey City its holds caucus meetings. Council members are mandated to attend these meetings, which occur prior to the City Council meetings on the following Wednesday, and are where the preliminary business for council meetings takes place.
Of course, if Mr. Wares were actually paying attention to local politics rather than simply parroting the mindless non-facts that of late serve to misinform the public, he would already know that. He would understand that by having attended the educational forum at all rather than joining his colleagues for pre-caucus meeting dinner, Councilman Fulop showed the depth of his involvement with the educational issues that affect Jersey City’s children. No other members of city council or the mayor even bothered to attend.

Stephanie Daniels

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