Hudson Reporter Archive

Six reasons why I am voting for Fulop

Dear Editor:
Councilman Fulop has been attacked in the news, so I am giving six reasons why I am voting for Steven Fulop for mayor:
1. Fulop stopped the Parking Authority from illegality booting cars, violating their own rules when to boot cars. When the city realized the Parking Authority was in error, they were more concerned about the cost to refund residents, than doing the right thing.
2. Councilman Fulop does not vote on waterfront abatements and took the city to task for lowering Crystal Point’s agreement. He warned that other developers would soon want the same thing and this happened when 77 Hudson Street requested a better agreement deal, incurring litigation for the city.
3. Fulop admonished the city for laying-off low level employees, while still paying health benefits for board members at autonomous agencies.
4. Councilman Fulop along with Lavarro introduced the living wage ordinance.
5. For the past several years, funding for the Library and particularly Community Awareness Series (CAS) has been threatened; he has been an advocate for those services.
6. Finally, he did not vote on the budgets from 2005 to 2010 which caused property taxes to increase 84.87 percent. In fact, he questions dubious items in the city’s budget.
Honestly, he has done a lot more and in my opinion has served the city well.

Yvonne Balcer

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