Hudson Reporter Archive

Unsigned flyers left on cars in Hoboken criticize possible parking consultant

HOBOKEN — It’s starting already.
The Hoboken mayor/council election isn’t until 2013, but apparently, the midnight flyers have only just begun.
Midnight flyers are unsigned campaign materials that are left on cars or slipped under doors overnight, often to prevent scrutiny and often just before an election.
New Jersey election law says that campaign advertisements must say on the materials who paid for them, and these do not, although it’s unknown for now whether these were paid for by a campaign fund or just copies made by a resident or activist.
This morning, photocopied flyers were found under the windshield wipers of parked cars near the waterfront. The flyers take issue with a possible consulting job to be given to Ian Sacs, the city’s director of parking and transportation, who is leaving the post on Oct. 15 and moving to Europe.
City officials have said that Sacs has agreed to help with the transition to a new director, but that there are no terms in place for a consulting contract right now.
City spokesman Juan Melli said that Sacs agreed to “assist with completing major ongoing projects on a consulting basis.” No contract has been given or decided upon, and no decision has been made as of yet, he said.
The flyers say, “If you quit your job and moved to Europe, would your boss keep you on the payroll? Dawn Zimmer would!” At the bottom, they say, “Tell Zimmer to stop taking care of her friends and worry about parking!”
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