Hudson Reporter Archive

Not vital?

Dear Editor:
I attended the City Council meeting, regarding the formulation of the NJ Transit rail yard redevelopment plan. What struck me most was when the City’s attorney for this project, Mr. Mazariti, implied that public improvements of the transportation center including the PATH entrances, bus terminal and the surrounding area were not vital to the overall plan in terms of cost and that they should be removed from the ledger of asset improvements being brought to the community. I find that to be an incredibly misinformed position.
I suspect Mr. Mazariti has never commuted like many of us and thousands of Hoboken residents do each and every day through this completely antiquated area. I suspect he has never waited for a bus like the many hard-working residents of Hoboken do on freezing winter days at this site. I suspect that may also be true of some council members who also seemed oblivious to how important these public improvements would be for the quality of life of thousands upon thousands of our neighbors who commute to work each and every day.
Further, I asked the City Council members how this project was going to be financed and they never answered my question.
Either way, it was encouraging and exciting to see that the redevelopment of this area is close to becoming a reality. I ask that our representatives and NJ Transit make this plan happen in a cooperative and professional manner that ensures its completion. And that the Council members and that Mr. Mazariti not dismiss public improvements of the bus terminal, PATH entrances, and the surrounding area as not vital to the residents of Hoboken. It will be very nice to have a more accessible terminal and it will be nicer to see Observer Highway change from its current condition.

Thank you for reading.
Steven Schwartz

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