Hudson Reporter Archive

‘Our elected officials should be wearing masks’

To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the letter to the editor in the Aug. 15 edition of the Bayonne Community News. I must correct the many false accusations and lies that were written. I must have struck a nerve because the tone of the letter was very mean-spirited.
I have never needed anyone to pay for me and my family’s health benefits, ever. The benefits I did receive from the state and city while serving political positions were the same benefits received by many politicians who are still in office today.
As for my so-called grandstanding about the issues of the day, the selling of the 240 acres of land to the Port Authority is the WORST deal of the century. It is the largest squandering of opportunity ever seen for Bayonne. The Port Authority will never have to pay a dime in taxes for the 240 acres of land. I have never bonded the Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor into oblivion. This is another wrong statement.
As far as future elections, I have not made any decisions, but it must be making some people nervous or they wouldn’t be so concerned with my comments.
As an American citizen, I have the right to hear and be heard. As a taxpayer in Bayonne, I have the right to be concerned. After looking at my recently increased tax bill, maybe out current elected officials are the ones that should be wearing masks. I have been told by many people that they depend on me to give them truthful facts, as they cannot get it from our current administration.
The current administration would rather have you forget that they have raised our taxes each year that they have been in office. It was easy for them to point a finger at others when they had no track record. Now their record is full of tax increases and taking care of themselves and their friends.
I have never consorted with a known thief, just like many of today’s politicians who supported convicted County Executive Robert Janizewski. Were they responsible for his actions?
In closing, next time, Mr. Perez, get your facts straight so you don’t lie to the public again.

Former Third Ward Councilman

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