Hudson Reporter Archive

Rule No. 1

Dear Editor:
And another one bite the dust, another bites the dust, hoho…. Bye, former Environmental Services Director, Jennifer Maier. You did not follow the first rule of working for Mayor Zimmer, or did you think you were exempt from the gag rule? Rule No.1 for the new environmental, etc. and all that jazz. Shut up and do as you are told…say nothing!…Oh, unless you are told to say something. Rule No. 2. Please remember that anything you say will and can be used against you. This administration has a great attorney. Hoboken is footing the bill for it and, you know, the “minority” can frazzle all they want about the bill. They have to, finally pay for attorneys to defend Hoboken from suits…yours Ms. Maier and, what, 21 other previous employees. Who knows, maybe they can delay payment long enough to see how deep the Mayor’s pockets are? I don’t know.
So, on to other business. We are always talking about parks. We could, surely, do something for our parks, now. We could fix the bathrooms and get them one step this side of puke. How is that for a task the new environmental director could work on. Just inspecting those babies could bring any male, female or child, to tears. Parks are supposed to be wholesome places!!! Ok, enough said…Hey, old crew, or whats left of “old crew”. Since you are getting bashed for one mistake, let me say, Thank you, Castellano, Russo, Mason and Occhipinti for continuing to work for Hoboken. Obviously, you did such a great job, that everyone wants a piece of it, now.

Bonnie Toadvyn

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