Hudson Reporter Archive

Meadowlands Commission wants Secaucus to apply for variance for firehouse BBQ pit, and other additions

SECAUCUS — Secaucus Mayor Michael Gonnelli on Wednesday told the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) during one of their meetings that he felt his town is being treated unfairly. He had received a letter saying the town should apply for variances for an expansion of a firehouse. But Gonnelli has been encountering difficulty in speaking to individuals about the matter.
The NJMC helps oversee zoning in Meadowlands-area towns, and has jurisdiction over 88 percent of Secaucus. Over the years, this has caused some friction with local officials.
“I really believe the town of Secaucus has become the target of this commission,” said Gonnelli. Gonnelli feels the town is being targeted because he has been a vocal opponent of the current tax-sharing formula in which Secaucus has to contribute millions of dollars each year to a pool to help municipalities who can’t develop in the Meadowlands for environmental reasons.
The town hopes to build an expansion of Washington Hook and Ladder firehouse on County Avenue, which serves Xchange Place residential development and Harmon Cove. But the town was issued a letter July 19 that said they must apply for a number of variances by the NJMC.
The variances pertain to the firehouse door, a barbecue pit, and other matters.
See this weekend’s paper for more.

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