Hudson Reporter Archive

Cardiac Arrest fundraiser a success

To the Editor:
I am pleased to report that the Cardiac Arrest II fundraiser, which was held on June 23, was a success.
I would like to thank the police officers who agreed to “arrest” the participants and bring them to the Knights’ building: Grace Joynt, Ken Page, Jimmy Wade, and Detective Jimmy Donaway for giving their time to help. Special thanks to Acting Police Chief Ralph Scianni for allowing them to participate.
Prisoners arrested were Carmine Borzelli, Louie Rodrigo, John Stein, Bill Schmicking, and myself. We were taken to the Knights’ building for the lock-up. In order to get out of jail, we all had to raise $500 each.
All monies raised went to the Police and McCabe’s Defibrillator Fund, Knights of Columbus Catholic High School Scholarship Program, and two of the city’s youths in need of funding for medical problems, Jack Hogan and Matthew Dziekan.
Also, without you, the people of Bayonne, this event would not have worked as well as it did.
Thanks again for all your donations!


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