Hudson Reporter Archive

North Bergen – second to none in Hudson County

Dear Editor:
I would like to congratulate Mayor Nicholas J. Sacco & the entire Board of Commissioners for the excellent work they do in our municipality. My parents have owned a home here since 1993 and as the years go by, the more we appreciate the overall quality of life in our township. While certain individuals with pure political agendas choose to nitpick & try to find imperfections in North Bergen, I would like to take this opportunity to share a few reasons why North Bergen is second to none in our county.
The North Bergen Police Department does a great job of keeping our streets safe. While other municipalities in our county have chosen to excessively promote & even threaten to lay off some police officers, North Bergen wisely continues to invest in public safety by hiring more cops & responsibly promoting, when the time is right. I constantly see patrol cars riding around &officers walking the beat.
Property taxes in New Jersey are the highest in the nation. North Bergen gets it. Mayor Sacco & the Board of Commissioners know how to keep our taxes stable. The township`s pro-business approach has allowed a countless number of new retail businesses to move in, creating new jobs & creating new ratables that keep property taxes at a reasonable & manageable rate.
Our streets are kept clean throughout the entire year. Our hard working DPW employees do a great job & take pride in their work. Everyone around our county knows about North Bergen`s proud tradition of snow removal& I know firsthand how safe the streets are to drive on throughout the winter months. It is very difficult to find a pothole or damaged road in North Bergen.
There are so many more reasons to love North Bergen. Other mayors in our county & state can learn allot from Mayor Sacco. He truly cares about our community & is always available to address the township`s needs. I am positive that the majority of my fellow North Bergen residents agree with my sentiments. Petty political agendas will not detract from the fact that North Bergen is a great place to live, visit, shop, & eat. Thank you for your time & enjoy the rest of your summer!

Jorge E. Gomez
North Bergen, NJ

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