Hudson Reporter Archive

Saving cats

Dear Editor:
I live in Hoboken and am a volunteer at Liberty Humane. We go to the shelter almost every day for a few hours to help make life more pleasant for the cats. We also bring kittens home to foster if they are bottle babies, very sick, or afflicted in some way. A month ago we brought home a little orange male tabby, Puss N Boots, who had a bad upper respiratory infection. We call him Spunky. While he was on his road to recovery we met a beautiful muted calico kitten who was cowering and hissing in the back of her cage. At first we didn’t notice the obvious reason for this–she is mostly blind–and not being able to see properly she was terrified of her new cage and the people peering in at her. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about her, and could not get her out of my mind. The next afternoon I brought her home from the shelter and put her in a cage in the same room with Spunky. He jumped up on the bed to be next to the cage, and since that day, 3 weeks ago, they are always together.
I know that you often feature pets, and it would be wonderful if they could find a home together. The calico has a description on Petfinder and it’s: “I’m Trixie, a muted calico with 4 white paws and a beautiful white belly. You may not be able to tell from my photograph, but I am missing my right eye and am partially blind in my left eye. Because of my limited vision I am often frightened by sudden movements and noises. Once I am reassured and know that I’m safe, I calm down right away. I love to be petted and to sit on your lap. I purr as soon as I feel a loving touch. I wasn’t very happy in the shelter but now I have a nice foster home and a playmate, who I would like to live with forever. He helps me explore and shows me places that are safe and things that are fun to play with. We may fight and rough house like most kittens, but when it’s time for a nap we cuddle up together. His name is Puss N Boots and he is also from Liberty Humane. You can check out his bio on Petfinder also. We are both old enough to be neutered and find our forever home.”

The link is: http:/

Elaine Ritchie

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