Dear Editor:
Thanks for publishing “Windows of Opportunity” (7/1) by Ms. Pope. Reporters must master a lot of information in a short time and the erudite Ms. Pope had to winnow through my voluminous notes. However, she covered the key points and was on message: in terms of style and technique, the Blue Chapel stained-glass windows are superb works of religious iconography. But the readers must make their own judgment as to whether Leo P. Frohe qualifies as a Master of his craft. In the article, I wanted to be sure that some people were recognized for their efforts to recognize the Blue Chapel for its place in Union City’s history and to take some steps to protect it. Greg Whitul comes immediately to mind—a true art historian who was generous with his research and time. Thank you!
Kathie Pontus is my source of inspiration and she is a tireless champion of history and preservation in Union City. She is the historian in my eyes. However, I must also bestow profound gratitude upon the Hon. Mayor Brian P. Stack for his acts and actions to save the Blue Chapel. Finally all those hundreds of people, the vox populi, who looked to the Blue Chapel for spiritual nurture and sustenance can not be forgotten. They rallied around the Blue Chapel and insisted that the character of their neighborhood remains and that the Blue Chapel be a central part. To his credit, Mayor Stack heard and heeded the voice of the people and took a stand for preservation.
Tony Squire