Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for your support

Dear Editor:
Hoboken is a unique place. We saw ample proof of that on recently when a diverse group of citizens came out to support the Quality of Life Coalition and its Committee for a Green Hoboken at a fundraiser in the Babbio Center on the campus of Stevens Institute of Technology. Diverse in opinion, but united by a shared faith in grassroots efforts to improve our local community, these people came out to socialize, celebrate the group’s work and share ideas about the future. They were treated to a thought-provoking talk and inspiring pictures by John Gomez, architectural historian, about appreciating and preserving the built landscape around us. We raised funds to support a variety of initiatives—from managing the farmers’ markets to educating local schoolchildren about energy conservation and recycling, to streamlining approvals for solar energy installations, and sponsoring candidates’ debates, among others.
Between donations to our silent auction and in-kind donations of food and other services, the evening would not have been possible without the support of the following people and organizations: Hank Dobbelaar, Vice President of Facilities and Community Relations for Stevens Institute of Technology; Eduardo Gonzalez & Francoise Vielot;; Brian Jennings; Room84; the Hoboken Historical Museum; Green Mansions Catering; Helen Manogue; Galatea Lingerie and Linens; Action Environmental Group, Inc.; Joseph Mark Manogue, Empire Coffee & Tea Co. and Precious Chinese Cuisine. We appreciate the support of all those who joined us for this special night.

Helen Manogue and the QLC board of trustees

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